Version History
1.0.0 - 11/28/1996
1.0.3 - 2/18/1997
For identifiability checks, all free parameters are reported in every run
together with G-Square values.
Redesign of the tree graph generation algorithm. The former algorithm was
not able to find a tree corresponding to the equations in all cases.
Redesign of the parameter list for easier editing
Minor cosmetic changes
1.1.0 - 3/15/1997
The parameter estimation process is significantly faster than in previous
Some commands are moved from the AppleTree window to the menu bar.
Extended Drag&Drop support: Equation files can be dropped on the Model
field. Data files can be dropped on the Data field. Tree graphs can be
dragged from their window to any other program supporting Drag&Drop
for PICTs.
Trees and categories can now have names instead of numbers.
The order of parameters in the branch equations must be the same as their
order in the tree.
Minor cosmetic changes
1.2.0 - 1/9/1998
Improved error detection in model files
When double clicked in the Finder, AppleTree text files are automatically
entered as model files if the extension is ".eqn" and as data files if
the extension is ".mdt".
Upon opening a text file in AppleTree, the program now checks, whether
there is already a window for this file.
Minor cosmetic corrections
1.2.1 - 2/27/1998
Fixes a bug introduced in version 1.1.0: The estimation process did not
work correctly if lambda was set to 1.
1.3.0 - 6/16/1998
Model files can be edited graphically.
Post-hoc power analysis for the Power Divergence statistic
Ability to generate "ideal" (expected) data sets for a given model
Uses the Appearance Manager if present
1.3.2 - 12/8/1998
Expected data sets are output to a window rather than written to a file.
Expected data sets can be generated without any empirical data file specified.
Unchecking Cohen's "w" in the Power Analysis field no more forces the lambda
parameter to 1.
Fixed an error in the computation of the Power Divergence Statistic for
lambda = -1
Uses Apple's Navigation Services for file dialogs if present
Various graphical interface problems fixed
1.3.3 - 1/29/1999
Support for proportional scroll bars (MacOS 8.5 or later)
Arrow buttons for adjusting the step width while the estimation process
is running
Better Appearance Manager support
1.3.4 - 11/7/1999
Fixed an error in the computation of confidence intervals for parameters.
In all previous versions confidence intervals were computed as mean±stddev*z(1-alpha).
This yields 100*(1-alpha*2)% confidence intervals. Sorry for any trouble
as a result of this and thanks to Edgar Erdfelder for pointing this out.
Now confidence intervals are correctly computed as mean±stddev*z(1-alpha/2).
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